Who Do I Call?
ADA Accessibility Issues | (562) 570-6257 |
Affordable Housing – Section 8 | (562) 570-6985 |
Airport | (562) 570-2619 |
Animal Care Services/Animal Village | (562) 570-7387 |
Bicycle-Friendly Initiatives | (562) 570-6334 |
Birth Certificates | (562) 570-4305 |
Building Permits | (562) 570-5237 |
Business Assistance | (866) 848-3321 |
Business Licenses | (562) 570-6211 |
Business Start-Up Grants | (562) 570-6866 |
Charter Cable Service | (866) 499-8080 |
Citizen Police Complaint Commission | (562) 570-6891 |
City Auditor's Fraud Hotline | (888) 372-8307 |
City Council Agendas | (562) 570-6101 |
City Elections | (562) 570-6101 |
City Job Hotline | (562) 570-6201 |
Code Enforcement | (562) 570-CODE |
Community Emergency Response Team | (562) 570-2525 |
Community Service Workers Program | (562) 570-5650 |
Death Certificates | (562) 570-4305 |
Disaster Preparedness Information | (562) 570-9250 |
Doing Business With The City | (562) 570-6361 |
Electricity, Turn On/Off (SCE) | (800) 684-8123 |
Employment Assistance | (562) 570-WORK |
Family Learning Centers (Library) | (562) 570-6291 |
Family Planning Services | (562) 570-4315 |
Fire Department Community Services | (562) 570-5233 |
Fire – Non Emergency | (562) 570-9400 |
Fire Prevention | (562) 570-2560 |
Gang Tip Hotline | (562) 570-7130 |
Garage Sales Permits | (562) 570-6211 |
Gas Bills, Turn On/Off | (562) 570-5700 |
Graffiti Hotline | (562) 570-2773 |
Harbor Patrol Dispatch | (562) 590-4185 |
Hate Crimes/Human Dignity | (562) 570-6866 |
Housing Programs | (562) 570-6949 |
Immunizations (including travel) | (562) 570-4315 |
Library | (562) 570-7500 |
Long Beach TV (LBTV) | (562) 570-1122 |
Narcotics Tip Line | (562) 570-7125 |
Nuisance Abatement | (562) 570-7169 |
Neighborhood Resource Center | (562) 570-1010 |
Parking Citations | (562) 570-6822 |
Police – Non Emergency & Anonymous | (562) 435-6711 |
Port Trade and Community Relations | (562) 283-7700 |
Pothole Repair | (562) 570-3259 |
Recreation Programs | (562) 570-3100 |
Refuse/Recycling Services | (562) 570-2876 |
Sewer Problems | (562) 570-2390 |
Shoes on Utility Lines | (562) 570-2700 |
Shopping Cart Removal | (800) 252-4613 |
Sidewalk and Curb Repair | (562) 570-2700 |
Special Events & Filming Permits | (562) 570-5333 |
Stormwater Pollution Prevention | (562) 570-3867 |
STD/HIV Testing and Counseling | (562) 570-4315 |
Street Lights | (562) 983-2000 |
Street Sweeping | (562) 570-2890 |
Telephone Service (Verizon) | (800) 837-4966 |
Trash Bills – Turn On/Off | (562) 570-5700 |
Tree Trimming | (562) 570-2770 |
Traffic Signals, Signs and Stripping | (562) 570-2700 |
Frontier FIOS TV | (800) 921-8101 |
Water Bills – Turn On/Off | (562) 570-5700 |
Water Waster Hotline | (562) 570-2455 |
Youth Opportunity Center | (562) 570-4700 |
City Departments
City Clerk | (562) 570-6101 |
City Manager's Office | (562) 570-6711 |
Civil Service | (562) 570-6202 |
Development Services | (562) 570-5237 |
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communications | (562) 570-9250 |
Energy Resources | (562) 570-2000 |
Financial Management | (562) 570-6237 |
Fire | (562) 570-2500 |
Harbor | (562) 437-0041 |
Health and Human Services | (562) 570-4000 |
Human Resources | (562) 570-6621 |
Library Services | (562) 570-7500 |
Long Beach Airport | (562) 570-2619 |
Parks, Recreation and Marine | (562) 570-3100 |
Police | (562) 570-7260 |
Public Works | (562) 570-6383 |
Technology & Innovation | (562) 570-6455 |
Water | (562) 570-2300 |
Elected Officials
Mayor Robert Garcia |
(562) 570-6801 |
District 1 Councilwoman Mary Zendejas |
(562) 570-6919 |
District 2 Councilwoman Cindy Allen |
(562) 570-2222 |
District 3 Councilwoman Suzie Price |
(562) 570-6300 |
District 4 Councilman Daryl Supernaw |
(562) 570-4444 |
District 5 Councilwoman Stacy Mungo |
(562) 570-5555 |
District 6 Councilwoman Suely Saro |
(562) 570-6816 |
District 7 Councilman Roberto Uranga |
(562) 570-7777 |
District 8 Councilman Al Austin |
(562) 570-6685 |
District 9 Councilman Rex Richardson |
(562) 570-6137 |
City Attorney Charles Parkin |
(562) 570-2200 |
City Auditor Laura Doud |
(562) 570-6751 |
City Prosecutor Doug Haubert |
(562) 570-5600 |
Emergency Numbers
Fire/Police Emergency | 911 |
Gas Emergency | (562) 570-2140 |
Illegal Storm Drain Dumping | (562) 570-3867 |
Water Emergency | (562) 570-2390 |
Emergency Notification Process
In the event of a major emergency, local information will be distributed in the following ways:
• TV, radio and print media
• KKJZ, 88.1 FM
• LBTV: Channel 3 Spectrum, Channel 21 Frontier, Channel 99 AT&T U-verse
• City's Emergency Hotline, (562) 570-5252
• Online at
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City officials are subject to these laws. Unless otherwise exempted from the provisions of the California Public Records Act, senders and receivers of City email should presume that the email is a public record subject to release upon request.